This week, I'm linking up with two week end update linkups. I'm doing Happies and Crappies with Stephanie, and Five for Friday with Doodlebugs Teaching!
This first happy is both a happy and a crappy. Due to this cRaZy winter weather, we were out of school Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We went to school yesterday, however, due to icy conditions this morning, we are out again today. Helllllooooo, one day work week! I'm enjoying the time off getting stuff done around the house!
I posted the other day about this fabulous new jewelry organizer that I made with a broken mirror. Check out that post here, if you haven't seen it!
And because I'm talking about updates around the house, I'll share this as well. Since I was getting tired of the snow and wintery weather, I decided to take down my winter decor and put up some spring decorations! You can see that here! Isn't it cute and fun! I love it!
Today's 'no school' plan? Organizing my closet (again...I just did it a few weeks ago and it's back to crazyness!) and putting together a new shelving unit that I just bought for that closet! Here's to being more organized!
Same as the happies, all this missed snow! I do enjoy the time off, but I don't miss the time out, especially with our SOL tests at the end of the year. I feel like the kids will never be ready - especially if we are never in school! This is snow day #12 for the students and #13 for the teachers (as we also missed a teacher work day).
I haven't been to the gym in FOREVER! Last week, I didn't go at all and somehow managed to still lose a little bit of weight. This week, I didn't go at all, but just don't think that I'll be so lucky! Today is the day I have my 'weekly weigh in' but I don't want to get on the scale today. I just can't imagine how it will be a good result!! :)
How was your week?

Wow, your room is beautiful! I'm always so impressed with people who can do day I will.