The Lightbearers by Nora M. Garcia
I was provided this book by AuthorHouse book publishing to review, however, all opinions are my own.
My Rating: 4/5
Goodreads Rating: 3.64/5
Goodreads Synopsis: The Lightbearers is the story of an ancient Egyptian King and Queen, Akhenaton and Nefertiti, who have been reincarnating together for the past 3300 years. They have been entrusted with the mission of The Lightbearers, whose responsibility is to be guardians of the human race and to enlighten any whose path they cross. Through reincarnation, during each of their lifetimes, they strive to overcome violence, greed and injustice and in each lifetime they leave pockets of individuals with whom they have shared their secrets of life and death. They have also been ascribed with the powers of telepathy, astral projection and psycho kinesis. They are highly evolved and highly enlightened.
My Review: I'll be totally honest with this review and state that I was not sure about this book at first. To be honest, I judge books by its cover. When I go shopping for a new book, I skim the shelves looking at all the covers and pick based on what looks good in that aspect. This book is not one that I would have picked up on my own. However, since being a member of the Literary Junkies Online Book Club, I've been reading books that are outside of my "comfort zone," so I was happy to give this book a chance. Once I started the story, it took me a while to really get into the story. The beginning did not grab my attention at all. I was a little confused with the jumping between different time periods and the overlapping stories that were unwrapping. However, as I was a little short of halfway through the book, it all clicked. All the stories, characters and time periods finally made sense. I was hooked. I'm not a believer in reincarnation, which was another element that made me skeptical of this story, but this is so much more than being a believer. Nora M. Garcia has such an imagination and has an amazing ability to weave multiple stories into one. She jumped between main characters a little bit, which kept you on your toes throughout the story. This story had a mix of romance, drama, suspense, history and science fiction in it, so there's definitely something for everyone. By the time I got to the end of the story, I didn't want it to end! I recommend you add this to your bookshelf!
The Book Nook Disclaimer: If a book I'm reviewing was provided by a publisher and/or author, it will be stated above. Otherwise, all books reviewed are books that I chose to read on my own. All opinions stated are my own. I try not to post too many spoilers (if any) in my reviews, but rather how I felt about reading the book and the quality of the story.

Ahhh I totally still need to start this. It is my weekend mission- glad I read your review!