In fact, this is goal 37 on my list of goals that was posted yesterday! If you missed that post, check it out here!
I've tried NaNoWriMo before, two years ago in fact, but I was having trouble with my story, I wasn't inspired, and the words just weren't coming. This year is different. I'm making myself write each morning and evening and I'm shooting for a goal of 2000 words a day. I've tried writing stories before, but I get caught up in editing and trying to make each section perfect before I move on. But that is agains NaNoWriMo rules. For the month, you are to write. Don't go back and make corrections, don't edit, don't reread and make second guesses on what you've already written. Just write. You have the rest of the year (until the next November) to edit and make your story perfect.
Yesterday was day one, and I was off to a great start (see image below).
I'm excited to have few plans this weekend so I can spend some serious time working on my story! I'm very excited about it! The more I write, the more the story changes, so I'll be interested to see where it ends up upon completion.
Oh and check out my little sidebar here on the blog! How cool! They have widgets that show participants' progress - so you can come back here and see how I'm doing! I'm holding all of you accountable for making sure I finish this thing!
Have you ever written a novel before?

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