1. What is your favorite fall activity?
Watching the leaves fall, drinking hot apple cider, watching football and enjoying the beautiful colors outside.
2. Do you follow a football team? If so, which one and why?
Yes - college only. And the only team I root for is Virginia Tech! Go Hokies! My dad and grandfather attended there, and I grew up going to games. So, even though I'm not a Hokie by choice, I'm got Hokie in my blood ;)
3. What is something fun about fall in your area?
Well - I would say the state and local county fairs, but I don't usually attend them. I did visit the State Fair of Virginia a few years ago and it was a lot of fun. I just don't usually frequent these events.
4. What are your favorite fall staple outfits?
Anything with a scarf. And jeans with a Hokie shirt!
5. What things are you looking forward to most about this coming fall season?
The cooler weather!!
6. What is your favorite fall holiday? Tradition?
Thanksgiving! I love spending time with my family and enjoying a great meal together!
**Don't forget! The other day, I posted my next Donor's Choose project! This is my second project and I'd love your support! I'm looking for some new resources for my classroom! My project from last year was all math materials, but unfortunately, I can't use any of them this year, since I'm not teaching math! If you'd love to help out, please read that post! Remember that within the next 9 days, you can use the code INSPIRE and Donor's Choose will double your donation! How awesome is that!?! Please, please, please consider supporting my classroom. If you are not financially able, please pass the information on to someone who might be able and willing to help! And check out yesterday's post to find out how to enter to win a $10 gift card!!

By far, Thanksgiving is my favorite Fall holiday. I enjoy spending time with my family. We are spread out all over the country, but we always manage to make it home for the holidays. It would be great to attend a fair or carnival of some sort, but there aren't any.