Even Now by Karen Kingsbury
My Rating: 5/5
Goodreads Rating: 4.25/5
Goodreads Synopsis: Sometimes hope for the future is found in the ashes of yesterday. Shane Galanter is a man ready to put down roots after years of searching. But is he making the right choice? Or is there a woman somewhere who even now remembers as does he those long-ago days...and a love that hasn't faded with time?
Lauren Gibbs a successful international war correspondent who gave up on happily-ever-after years ago when it was ripped away from her. Since then, she's never looked back. So how come she can't put to rest that one question that haunts her: Why is life so empty?
Emily Anderson, a college freshman raised by her grandparents, and about to take her first internship as a journalist. But before she can move ahead, she discovers a love story whose tragic ending came with her birth. As a result, she is drawn to look back and search out the mother she's never met.
A young woman seeking answers to her hearts deep questions. A man and woman separated by lies and long years...yet who have never forgotten each other. With hallmark tenderness and power, Karen Kingsbury weaves a tapestry of lives, losses, love, and faith and the miracle of resurrection.
My Review: Where do I start? Karen Kingsbury is one of my all time favorite authors. Even if you don't enjoy reading Christian Fiction, I highly recommend you read her stories. Her stories encompass amazing messages! Even Now definitely did not disappoint! This story really did pull at the heart strings and really made you feel for the characters in the story. A mix of lost love, uncertain beginnings, failure and successes, I enjoyed every moment of this story. When reading about the characters in the book, reading about their lives unfolding and noticing how close, yet far away from finding each other the characters were, I couldn't help but feel as if I knew these characters personally and were listening to a good friend tell about their trials. Some reviews I read said that the book was very predictable. Looking back, I can see where that could be so, but while reading the story, I was so wrapped up in the story line that I didn't even think about the predictability of this story. This is the first book in the Lost Love series, and there is a second book called Ever After, which I can't wait to get my hands on!! I highly recommend you read this story!!
The Book Nook Disclaimer: If a book I'm reviewing was provided by a publisher and/or author, it will be stated above. Otherwise, all books reviewed are books that I chose to read on my own. All opinions stated are my own. I try not to post too many spoilers (if any) in my reviews, but rather how I felt about reading the book and the quality of the story.

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