Now, it's that time again for our monthly link up questions. Here's the questions asked by our lovely hosts!
1. What are you currently reading? Tell us about it.
I'm currently reading The Lightbearers by Nora M. Garcia. If you are a member of the Literary Junkies, then you are probably familiar with this book! If not, below is a portion of the goodreads summary. I'm about halfway through, and when I finish, I share my thoughts on the story!
THE LIGHTBEARERS is the story of an ancient Egyptian King and Queen, Akhenaton and Nefertiti, who have been reincarnating together for the past 3300 years. They have been entrusted with the mission of The Lightbearers, whose responsibility is to be guardians of the human race and to enlighten any whose path they cross. Through reincarnation, during each of their lifetimes, they strive to overcome violence, greed and injustice and in each lifetime they leave pockets of individuals with whom they have shared their secrets of life and death. They have also been ascribed with the powers of telepathy, astral projection and psycho kinesis. They are highly evolved and highly enlightened.
2. What book made you first fall in love with reading?
Oh gosh. I don't even know! I've been a lover of reading since I can remember, so I'm guessing it was something I read early on. But I wouldn't be able to tell you what it was!
3. Summer is a great time for series. What are your series recommendations?
By far, I would recommend Karen Kingsbury's series. She has, what I call, a mega-series. Five individual series and one stand alone title (which could each be read as stand alone series) that all revolve around the Baxter family. The various series feature the different members of the Baxter family and some mainly feature friends of the Baxter family, but this incredible family still play an important role throughout every book!
This "series" of 23 books is definitely one of the best series you could read. I loved every single minute I spent in the books! And it didn't take me that long to read, because I was getting through them so fast. In fact, I'm sad that I've read all of the stories, because I miss reading about the family. The Baxter family is your "all american family" who goes through so many trials and tribulations, love, fame, fortune, and so much more! I couldn't recommend this series any more!
Here's the list of books in the various series!
Redemption Series, Baxter 1: Redemption, Remember, Return, Rejoice, Reunion
Firstborn Series, Baxter 2: Fame, Forgiven, Found, Family, Forever
Sunrise Series, Baxter 3, Sunrise, Summer, Someday, Sunset
Above the Line Series, Baxter 4: Take One, Take Two, Take Three, Take Four
Bailey Flanigan Series, Baxter 5: Leaving, Learning, Longing, Loving
Stand Alone Title: Coming Home (The Baxter Family)
4. Does a song come to mind with the book you are currently reading? If so, what is it?
Comically, yes. For some unknown reason, King Tut (Steve Martin's SNL skit) keeps popping in my head! I'm not able to embed the video I found, so if you are interested in seeing Steve Martin perform that, click here!
5. Are you participating in any summer reading challenges?
Yes! For the first time, I'm participating in Megan's Semi-Charmed Book Challenge! It's going to be a lot of fun and just started on July 1, so there is still time to join in! Click here for my post about the challenge and click here for Megan's post about the challenge!

I need to start the Lightbearers. How do you like it so far?