by Richard Belcher
My Rating: 4 stars out of 5

A theological novel, which examines in the course of the story, the various perspectives regarding the second coming of Jesus.
This book is the 7th book in the Journey Series by Richard Belcher. All of the books in this series are theological journey books. He weaves the story of Ira Pointer with various theological journeys that Ira takes. The stories have all been interesting and relevant, and the theological notes have been well researched and informative. This book, however, was a bit different for me. I do not have much knowledge on eschatology (study of the end times) and I found the notes in this book to be rather confusing. However, I don't attribute that to Belcher's writing - I think it's more based on my lack of knowledge on the topic! I did enjoy the story line in this book, just like the previous 6 books. There was a major plot twist at the end of this book that I was not expecting! I do wish there was more of a resolve between some of the characters in the story that Belcher spent so much time building up throughout the book, but I can get past that. Overall, I enjoyed this book and look forward to the next one in the series!
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