





Progressive Dinner Deadly by Elizabeth Spann Craig

Progressive Dinner Deadly by Elizabeth Spann Craig

Goodreads Rating: 3.47/5
My Rating: 3/5

Goodreads SynopsisRetired octogenarian schoolteacher Myrtle Clover is fit to be tied when her book club votes to change to a supper club.  Who wants chips and dip when they can have Dickens and Twain?   The first supper club is a progressive dinner...where Myrtle loses interest during the hors d'oeuvres. But when a body is discovered during the main course, the evening quickly gets interesting. Myrtle pits her sleuthing skills against her police chief son's to find the killer....if the killer doesn't find her first.

My Review: This was an entertaining read, and a nice mystery story.  However, it wasn't a great piece of literature.  I never felt 'hooked' as I read the story.  This book is not the first in the series, which I didn't realize until after I read the book, and I'm not sure if reading the previous stories first would help to fill in any gaps in the characters or not.  If you are a die hard mystery reader, this might seem a little light for you, however, as someone who doesn't read mysteries often, it wasn't too bad!  

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