





Sunday Social - and a return to the blog!

Wow, it's been a while since I've graced this blog!  Life has definitely kept me busy...but I'm back now!  I know I say that all the time, and I am probably sounding like a broken record now!  Sorry!

I've been in the full Christmas mood lately - and I decorated yesterday.  All five of my trees are up and are all (except for one) lit and decorated.  And yes, I said 5!  I'll have pictures to share soon! 

Anyways, today is all about linking up with the Sunday Social!  This is always a fun post and I love seeing how everyone else answers the questions we are given to answer!

Sunday Social
1. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
- Lately, I've been loving Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough - however, when I crave ice cream, I typically lean towards sherbet. 
2. What is your favorite smell?
- I love the smell of freshly baked cookies.  But in the way of 'scents,' I love fresh smells, like Clean Cotton or Freshwater Cucumber from Bath and Body Works.
3. What is your favorite TV commercial, past or present?
- I love the Allstate Mayhem commercials.  I find them pretty comical.  Some are comically stupid - and others are just comical!  :)
4. What is your favorite day of the week?
- Saturday!  Football games, lazy days to relax, not having to worry about school the next day...yeah, Saturdays are definitely my favorite!
5. What is your favorite way to waste time?
- Pinterest.  Seriously.  And reading, watching movies, and Facebook.
6. What is your favorite article of clothing?
- I love a good pair of jeans and a hoodie.  And scarves. 


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